Actor Tracy Morgan, famous for his comedy acts and his stint on NBC shows 30 Rock and Saturday Night Live, was severely injured in a accident on the New Jersey Turnpike when his limousine collided with a Wal-Mart tractor trailer. Morgan’s friend, comedian James McNair, was killed in the crash. After consulting his attorney, Morgan, as well as several of the other passengers in the vehicle hit by the truck, have filed a negligence lawsuit against Wal-Mart for negligent operation of the tractor trailer that hit their vehicle.
The lawsuit cites negligent business practices, as the driver of the Wal-Mart vehicle had allegedly been awake for 24 hours prior to his shipping route shift. Morgan’s lawyers claim that there were much closer distribution centers to the home of the driver, and easier routes for him to take that would not have impacted his sleeping schedule nearly as much. Wal-Mart is cooperating entirely with the investigation into the crash at this time, and lawyers on both sides hope that they can find a way to make all of this right. Unfortunately for the friends of Mr. Morgan and Mr. McNair though, no litigation or compensation will bring back the loss of a close friend. Continue to read the story here.
Large-scale accidents such as those caused by negligent tractor trailer operation can be devastating to smaller cars and other drivers as well as the families of those victims involved. Deaths and severe injuries are common, like in the case of Mr. Morgan and his friends and their families. The penalties for operating vehicles negligently are steep, and this type of law is highly regulated. The lawyers at the Friedland | Carmona have extensive experience in automotive law and accident injury litigation, and will fight for you to get you the care and compensation you deserve.
The Pembroke Pines automobile accident attorneys at the Friedland | Carmona handle all types of negligence and personal injury cases throughout the state of Florida, including Boca Raton, Homestead, North Miami, South Miami, Miami Beach, Coral Gables, Pembroke Pines, Hialeah, Kendall, Aventura, Fort Lauderdale, and Palm Beach. The Friedland | Carmona handles all types of personal injury cases, including wrongful death, defective products, medical malpractice, slip and falls,negligent and reckless drivers, and automobile accidents. Call the Miami personal injury attorneys today and let our family take care of your family!