
Miami Injury Lawyer Blog


Snapping and Driving in Miami Dade

Snap chat is the new social sharing phenomenon that people cannot seem to get enough of. With daily filters, geotags, interactive platforms and story sharing, Snap chats over 100 million daily users have little time to do anything else with their day then snap it, including drive.   Snap chat…


“When the Neighborhood Dog is Not So Friendly”

The Center for Disease Control recently disclosed that more than 4.7 million dog bites occur annually in the United States. While this information may be frightening, even more concerning is the actuality that the average cost of treatment for these attacks in 2015 rose to $37,214.00 per attack and unfortunately…


Giving Back to the Community: The Friedland | Carmona Serves Dinner to the Homeless

On Monday, February 29, Jon Friedland, managing partner, Michael Carmona, associate attorney, and the rest of the Friedland | Carmona staff worked with the Community Partnership for the Homeless, serving food to those in need. Mr. Friedland’s wife and two young sons joined the firm in helping the homeless. Serving…


When your “Relaxation and Pampering” Day goes WRONG: Personal Injuries in Beauty Salons and Spas

When people consider going to a spa or a beauty salon, they imagine themselves relaxing, distressing; an enjoyable experience. They go to beauty salons to boost their self-confidence and to feel better about themselves. However, for some people, going the spa experience can become their worst nightmare. As technology evolves,…


Hoverboards: A Sure Trip to the Emergency Room

Since at least Black Friday and during the past holidays, hoverboards were the go-to gift.  Thousands of these motorized self-balancing scooters were sold. However, they’ve proved to be a serious and very dangerous safety hazard, catching on fire while charging, exploding, and, consequently, causing fires in people’s homes. Additionally, the…


Have you been a victim of a crime caused by Negligent Security? If so, here are our recommendations

According to the statistics of the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, from 2013 to 2014, the crime rate in the State of Florida has decreased 3.6%. This is the most recent official statistic. However, crime still exists and anyone can be a victim of it. In Florida, cases where one…


Car accidents are increasing annually: Here is what to do if you are involved in a car crash.

In the state of Florida, there are over 16 million drivers and everyday more than 600 car crashes occur. According to the National Safety Council, an improving economy and lower gas prices are leading to more motorists on the nation’s highways and more fatal car accidents. As a result, the…


Jonathan Friedland and his Team Accomplish another Big Win for a Client against a Medical Transportation Company

The efforts and diligence of the Friedland | Carmona have once again lead to a substantial settlement for their client. This time the accomplishment was against a medical transportation company and its insurance company. After extensive negotiation and right before the Plaintiff was ready to file a lawsuit, Jonathan Friedland…


Have you suffered a slip or trip and fall in a public or private Establishment? Here’s what you need to do

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, over 8.9 million people suffered non-fatal injuries in the United States in 2012 from slip and fall accidents. Slip and falls were also the leading cause of non-fatal injuries that year. Additionally, over 17, 000 people die in the U.S. annually…

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